ELIK’E by Hotel 2 Fevrier Loyalty Program
A privilege card and exclusive offers for the very best of a select few
ELIK’E by Hotel 2 Fevrier, offers incomparable savings and perks alongside a special selection of benefits and personalised services.
ELIK’E by Hotel 2 Fevrier, offers incomparable savings and perks alongside a special selection of benefits and personalised services.
Exclusive Discounts on a Wide Range of Services
Pricing: 129 000 FCFA
Benefit Highlights
- Complimentary room night
- Discounts on food & beverage on all tabs and promotional menus
- – 10% savings on every visit to all the hotel’s restaurants
- Member only Accommodation benefits
- Banquet / Conference / Meeting preferential services
- Spa and fitness advantages
- Wide selection of gift vouchers
- Complimentary loyalty and referral rewards
Unique discounts and vouchers for exquisite experiences
Pricing: 522 000 FCFA
Benefit Highlights
- Same benefits as ELIK’E classic with added values:
- 25% savings on all dining options at all the hotel restaurants
- Direct line to hotel concierge 24hrs
- Priority restaurant booking and seating
- Private bottle space & collar
- Complimentary supplementary membership – Card only
- Two vehicle window emblems